為亡者舉行喪葬拔度儀式,是台灣喪葬儀式流程中重要環節之一。亡者若是生產過的,孝子女更會要求釋教法師為其母舉行「打血盆」儀式。世俗觀念中,生育過的婦女因為生產後的汙穢(惡露、經血),汙染大地,以致對眾神明有不潔之罪,而此不潔之罪的懲罰,便是死後要受血盆池之禁錮。孝子女為讓母親免於受「血盆池」之禁錮,請釋教法師藉由「打血盆」拔度儀式以及喝「血盆碗水」的方式,代亡母贖罪,使亡母重獲無罪之身,以報答亡母生、養之恩,並祈求亡母早日往生西方極樂世界。釋教法師演示「打血盆」拔度儀式,是採戲劇方式演示,可以讓旁觀者,立即體悟「打血盆」拔渡儀意涵。 本研究除文獻研究法外,並以質性研究當中的深度訪談、田野觀察為主要研究法;深入訪談對象主要以南投釋教法師為主,喪家孝子女為輔;田野觀察並記載「打血盆」儀式的整個流程,發現「打血盆」儀式有繁有簡,它會因為喪家是做整場功德儀式或單點此儀式舉行,其演示方式略有不同。 本文根據宗教經典、前人文獻記載等,分析各宗教(佛教、道教、民間信仰、基督宗教)對於女性經血的污穢觀念,以及釋教喪葬拔度儀式規模大小及流程,並針對「打血盆」儀式來源自血盆經懺及目蓮救母故事做一番分析比較,並肯定「打血盆」儀式具有弘揚孝道、宗教救贖之意涵。 Salvation rituals play an important role in Taiwan funerals. If the person is female and have given birth to babies, the bereaved make the request to Shi Jiao masters to do the ritual ─Da- xie -Pen∥and it is because people believe women’s period blood and the blood in childbirth will disgrace the earth and dishonor the deities, which result in the punishment on the female to have herself soak in blood pools in hell. Her sons and daughters drink the water in xie -pen bowl in Da- xie -Pen ritual and the ritual will prevent the dead from blood pool hells, have her free from guilt and lead her sooner to Paradise of the West. In the ritual, the Shi Jiao masters display the ritual as a drama so it is easy to understand the meaning of the ritual. Besides literal studies, interviews and field studies are also adopted. Shi Jiao masters in Nantou County and the bereaved of the dead will be interviewed and the procedures of Da- xie –Pen ritual will be detailed recorded. The ritual has thorough version and simplified version and it depends on the request of the bereaved. The study is to analyze the concepts of religions, such as Buddism, Taoism, Folk Religion, and Christianity, on women’s period blood and to introduce the procedures of Shi Jiao funerals, and to learn the classics of xie -pen, the story of ─Mulian saving his mother∥ and the meanings of the ritual.