研究者進行此項研究的目的在於了解國小社會領域教科書中有關環境保育與教育的相關議題內容,所以擬訂三個研究問題:一、我國的環境教育目標是否有反映在國小社會領域教材之中?二、不同版本社會領域教科書中環保教育內容有何差異? 三、教科書中的環境保育教材對學生的認知框架之架構。 為了探究以上問題,研究者用質性內容分析法來分析康軒、南一、翰林三版本的社會領域教科書。首先進行國內外文獻回顧,再從教科書中擷取相關內容,進行編碼、分類,然後形成核心概念,最後形成環境教育的概念架構來進行分析。 透過研究後得到三點結論:1、三版本的教科書在其主要內容上差異不大,但在環境相關內容則互有差異。2、三版本在民間環保組織、環保法規、核能困境和動手做環保的內容上宜再多做補充。3、在與環境教育目標的契合度上,三版本教科書在環境行動技能和環境行動經驗方面內容就偏少。 This study aims to explore the issue and discussion related to environmental protection and education provided in social studies textbook for Elementary School. Three research questions are proposed as follows: 1. Does the contents of the textbooks reflect the objective of environmental education? 2. What are the differences on contents of environmental education between textbooks of different versions? 3. How do environment education materials in textbooks of different versions cultivate the recognition framework for students? To tackle the questions stated above, three versions of social studies textbook from different publishers, Kang Hsuan, Nan-yi, and Han Lin, are analyzed by applying the method of qualitative content analysis. First, domestic and foreign literatures are reviewed for obtaining theoretical concept; then, related contents are extracted from the textbooks for coding and classifying for the formation of core concept; finally, after establishing the conceptual framework of environmental education in the three versions of textbooks, an analysis is conducting for discussion and conclusion. The result of the study suggests the following conclusions. 1. The major contents of the three versions of textbooks do not show many differences, but on contents related to environmental education, the discrepancy reveals. 2. All three versions of textbooks fall short of providing contents of regulation and non-governmental organization of environmental protection, the nuclear dilemma, and environmental protection practice guidelines. 3. In achieving the objective of environment education, contents of environmental action skills and environmental action experiences are not sufficiently provided in all three versions of textbooks.