本研究旨在探討影響教育儲蓄專戶勸募結果的各種因素。以嘉義縣、市國民小學教育儲蓄專戶業務承辦人為研究對象,採用次級資料的分析與問卷調查方式進行量化研究,探討學校背景變項、勸募策略與勸募結果之間的影響關係,進行交叉分析及卡方檢定。問卷紙本共發放144份,共回收127份,有效問卷105份,佔所有發放問卷的73%。主要的研究發現包括:一、「學校規模」、「教師人數」、「學生人數」、「家長會人數」等四個變項,於勸募結果之某些層面上有顯著的差異,另「地理位置」則有接近顯著的差異。二、「地理位置」、「學校規模」、「教師人數」、「學生人數」、「家長會人數」、「志工人數」等六個變項,於勸募策略之某些層面上皆有顯著或接近顯著的差異。三、「勸募工作小組成員」、「承辦人」等二個變項,在勸募結果各層面上都有顯著或接近顯著的差異。 This study used the savings account business contractors at Chiayi County Elementary School as the object of study and aimed to explore a variety of factors affecting education savings accounts. It used secondary data analysis and questionnaires for quantitative research to explore the school background variables, the relationship between raising strategy and fund raising results. A cross-analysis and chi-square test was then conducted. There were a total of 144 questionnaires distributed, 127 of collected, and 105 considered valid. The valid questionnaires accounted for 73% of all questionnaires. The main findings are as follows:1. There are significant differences in certain aspects of fundraising results in terms of the four following variables: “the size of schools”, “the number of teachers”, “the number of students” and “the number of the members in the parents' associations”. The variable of “the location” is close to being a significant difference.2. As to the fundraising strategies, the following six variables all showed a significant difference or near significant difference. They are “the location”, “the size of schools”, “the number of teachers”, “the number of students”, “the number of the members in the parents' associations” and “the number of volunteers”.3. The two variables, “the fundraising crew" and” the contractors ", presented significant or near significant differences in all aspects of the fundraising results.