公私部門透過協同合作(collaboration)的模式促使社會福利服務輸送符合民眾的期待是為雙方一致的共識,高雄市政府社會局家庭暴力及性侵害防治中心與委辦民間社福機構雙方從建立互助資源網絡到資源共享,以達落實家暴法核心精神,保障被害人權益之目的。 本研究在於探討公私部門協同合作社會福利服務輸送,民間社福機構運用在地資源對家暴案件服務品質影響作相關探討,研究目的主要為:一、公部門與民間社福機構對家暴案件服務品質之差異。二、公部門與民間社福機構運用在地資源對家暴案件服務品質之差異。 經從文獻探討及深度訪談中得出以下研究發現:一、高雄市政府將家暴業務列為市政重點之一,積極作為促使公私部門透過各網絡單位合作協同處理家暴案件,歷年來成效斐然。二、公部門以福利服務新三角輸送體系為合作主體,由政府出資(補助人事費)購買民間單位勞務(社工員人力)來供給服務使用者(家暴受害人),創造三贏的合作模式,是為社會福利服務積極且有效益作為。三、公部門家暴案量負荷過重,服務品質產生嚴重缺口,主因在於從未設計測量工具對案主做服務滿意度調查,服務端難以有依據來修正服務品質。四、對於精障者家暴被害人並無危險層級評量表,疾病與受家暴行為的關連性會影響案主處遇計畫的擬定,值得專題探討。 本研究並得到民間社福機構得能運用公私部門資源提升家暴案件服務品質,顯示服務目的應在於案主多元化需求的被滿足。藉以本研究結論及建議回饋公私部門做為家暴案件修補服務品質缺口之參考。 The collaboration between public and private sectors facilitating the social welfare service delivery to meet the public's expectations is the common consensus of both sides. The Kaohsiung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center and the private social welfare institutions work together to fulfill the spirit of the Domestic Violence Prevention Law as well as to protect the victims' rights through the establishment of mutual aid network and sharing of resources. This study is to explore the service quality effect upon the private social welfare institutions using local resources on the domestic violence through public-private sector collaboration on social welfare service delivery. The objectives of this study as following:1.The difference of the service quality on domestic violence cases between the public sectors and the private social welfare institutions.2.The difference of the service quality on domestic violence cases between the public sectors and the private social welfare institutions using local resources. The conclusions of this study as following:1.Kaohsiung City Government regards the domestic violence cases as the important civil services, and accelerates the collaboration between public and private sectors through cooperative networks in order to cope with the abovementioned cases.2.The delivery system of new triangular welfare service is the main cooperative axis of public sector, which is based on the model of government allocates budget (for personnel expense) to purchase the labor service (social worker manpower) from private sector, then offers the service to the user(victim of domestic violence).3.The over workload of domestic violence cases result in the leak of service quality due to the lack of evaluation tools on the user satisfaction, and its feedback is in vain.4.There has no evaluation standard for the mental retarded domestic violence, the correlation of the sickness and domestic violence behavior will affect the treatment planning, and which is worthy for further research. The conclusion of this study also finds that the application of public and private resources would promote the service quality of domestic violence cases. It shows that the purpose of service should satisfy the multi demands of the target case. To hope that the conclusions and suggestions of this study could mend the service leaks of domestic violence cases for the public and private sectors.