活絡地方原住民文物館之產業化,積極推展及傳承原住民文化,整合與善用地方資源,振興地方產業經濟發展,以帶動地方文化觀光之產業效益,乃是本研究之主題與方向。 本論文之研究問題歸納如下:如何強化地方文物館之定位特色;如何開發人力資源之產業加值;如何推動產業觀光之產業行銷等三項為主要探討與分析。 筆者擬以質性研究為主,針對高雄市桃源區文物館(以下簡稱本文物館)作為個案研究,其研究方法以深入訪談、參與觀察、文獻分析等方式進行資料蒐集與整理。 此篇論文目的在於地方文物館產業化之定位特色、產業加值及產業行銷等三大主軸,三者為互相依賴與牽引的關係,經由本研究與探討分析後發現三項研究結果:1.人力專業嚴重不足,需加強教育與輔導。2.原住民的傳統文化與工藝技能逐漸流失。3.產業缺乏行銷策略,難以發揮創新特質。 本研究範圍以本文物館為個案研究,因客觀條件之限制與時間因素,訪談對象侷限於桃源區之居民、老師、公部門及文物館工作者等人員進行訪談,恐有代表性不足之疑慮,本篇論文僅作為提供後續研究者相關議題之方向。 Taoyuan Indigenous Museum, Kaohsiung (hereafter called the Museum) was constructed on Aug 10, 2000 and completed on Dec 29, 2004. On Feb 1, 2008, the Museum had an official opening and started operation. Due to procrastinated opening, the Museum was listed as a completely disused premise by the “Activation of Disused Public Property Special Project Group” under the supervision of the Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan. After one year’s endeavor, the Museum was eventually removed from the list on April 20, 2009. In order to activate the operation and management of local indigenous museum, the Museum has been active promoting and passing down aboriginal culture and integrating and utilizing local resources. These actions aim to drive local aboriginal economic output and market Taiwan aboriginal culture as well as cultural tourism. Several issues are clarified by this study:1. By promoting “One Town One Product” based on governmental policies, the Museum can instill new vitality to communities and tribes. 2. By enhancing hands-on experiences of professional museum narrators and museum planners, the Museum can encourage community residents to participate as volunteer, co-host events and activities with other museums so as to activate operation and management of local indigenous museum. 3. By cultural events such as festival in combination with local catering and B&B industry, the Museum can hold sales promotion for agricultural products and craft works in order to invigorate local industrial tourism development and improve local economic benefits.