本研究以「知覺理論」(Perception)觀點切入,探討遊客對公共藝術設置於服務區的互動與看法。台灣公共藝術發展,隨著民國八十一年立法通過《文化藝術獎助條例暨實施細則》後。社區工作者認為公共藝術可以與現階段蓬勃發展的社區營造相結合,因此台灣的公共藝術作品如雨後春筍般在各地創作與設置。本研究以國內高速公路服務區最多遊客休憩及設置最多項公共藝術作品的清水服務區為研究範圍。以認知心理學的知覺歷程理論設計問卷,受試者隨著外在環境條件影響注意力與知覺度。研究結果發現只有5成民眾注意到公共藝術清水八元素的設置。公共藝術設置在行人動線上,有著明亮的外觀,跟身體感官直接互動之作品知覺度越高。設計形式方面,具體和非功能性的作品形式民眾以欣賞角度居多,抽象又具功能性的作品形式讓民眾願意多花時間探索意義層面而駐足停留。公共藝術「清水八元素」改善因素方面,給予相關單位建議,以1.「引導設施」2.「解說牌設備」3.「作品互動」最需要提升。 The study on the theory of perception discusses interaction and perception of tourists’ views to public art in the service area of the domestic expressway. Due to the rule passed by the legislature in 1992, community workers began to think that the development of public art can combine with the vigorous growth of the community activities in Taiwan. Since then, public art has been popularly created and build in many places, like as bamboo shoots after a spring rain. In the study, Ching-Sheu Service Area in the domestic expressway is taken as an example. It is also the one with the most numbers of travelers visiting and public art works installed in the area. The questionnaire was designed in terms of the tourists’ perception by utilizing cognitive psychology. The result shows that subjects’ attention and perception are affected by the external environmental conditions. Moreover, there are only about 5 percept of tourists that notice the installing of Ching-Sheu Eight Elements, the public art works set in Ching-Sheu Service Area. Furthermore, the more brilliant appearances the public art works have, the higher percent of perception the tourists get. As for the design form, the public art works with concrete and nonfunctional features make tourists only appreciate them. However, public art works with abstract and functional features make tourists take more time exploring their inner meaning. Finally, there are some suggestions stated in the study to the authority related. The first is to build the guidance instruments for tourists to find and visit the public art works. The second is to make the interpretation plate equipments for tourists to easily appreciate and understand them. The last is to make the interaction between the public art works and tourists, and it is also the most important part that should be highlighted.