本論文主要在探討,透過藝術欣賞教育提升學生的審美能力,進而讓孩子們對生命道德有更深一層的了解,讓自己活得有意義、有光彩、有尊嚴。首先從台灣當代小學的藝術教育目的談起,接著研究近代西方的藝術教育理論以及藝術治療的理念,並將藝術治療的觀念運用於一般學生的藝術教育。藝術治療與藝術教育之間有密切關係,而本文主張審美教育對學生有重大影響,只要是有問題或遇到困難的人,或甚至只是需要幫助的人,都可藉由藝術教育及藝術欣賞來予以協助。本論文也試著透過中國古代藝術哲學之分析探討人與藝術之關係,理由在於討論問題不能抽離文化傳統。因此本文對儒家之禮樂思想進行反思研從荀子的〈樂論〉及禮記〈樂記〉加以探討,強調利用樂來教化人民,弘揚樂教,以樂治國之哲學思想背景。針對目前在教育上有問題學童,體罰已是不可能的前提下,是否可以改用柔性的的藝術欣賞方式,來教化他們,這是一個無可逃避的問題,即:利用繪畫音樂來陶冶學生的性情,矯正偏差行為。這是一種“預防勝於治療”的方法,在平日的時候就應該做好身心理的保健與調適,藉由“藝術教育與欣賞”,達到更快樂及健康的未來。 In my paper I would like to discuss how to promote pupils’ ability of aesthetic bymeans of art of appreciation through which they can understand the morality deeper and live in the human respect and value. In my paper I begin with the education of art in contemporary Taiwan primary school, and then research the western theory of art education and the ideas for art therapy in order to find a way through which the ideas can be applied to art education for pupils. There is a close relationship between art therapy and art education, according to which I hold that aesthetic education can have a deep affect on them, that is, they can get help from art education and art appreciation. In addition to this I think that it is very difficult to discuss education without a relation to our tradition of culture, so I try to make an analysis of art philosophy in ancient China. According to this reason I discuss the confusian music philosophy, that is 《theory of music》of Xinzi and 《note of music》, and show how our pupils can become moral in the education of music. Body–punishment is impossible for our society, therefore it is a serious problem ob we can use art appreciation as a flexible method to teach our children, namely, civilize them throughpictures and music. “Prevention better than treatment”, in my paper I hold the viewpoint that they should have good states of mind and can have more happiness and healthful future everyday through the art education and art appreciation