本研究從餐廳業者角度,以飲食文化、陸客經濟效益、味覺探討及習癖等觀點,以質性一對一深度訪談法,共訪問嘉義、台南12位飯店、餐廳、台南小吃業者,以業者近身觀察,了解陸客因其不同飲食文化背景與區域性分別,其來台旅遊用餐過程中,陸客確因長期習癖養成,在餐食上有省份、地區上極大的差別,來台陸客市場以居住地做為區隔之準則最為適切,雖然業者也各自有因應之道,但因生活習性迥異,陸客過度喧嘩會對台灣及其他客源國家造成排擠效應。在整體經營上,因為業者對陸客都有一定程度的依賴,在不斷政治議題干擾中,旅遊政策的反覆不定,業者會有不安感。近期據業者的觀察,隨著陸客旅遊年齡降低,在世界能見度漸開的同時,陸客在旅遊態度的變化,事實上有與日漸進的轉變。 The study, with in-depth interview, is to discuss the dietary habits of tourists from Mainland China when traveling in Taiwan concerning their dietary culture, sense of taste, habitus and economic benefits they bring. There are 12 participants, including hotels, restaurants, snack shops in Chiayi and Tainan. According to close observation from the participants, it is shown that there are dietary differences among tourists from Mainland China with different dietary culture and from different regions. Therefore, the diet tourists from Mainland China choose is tremendously different when they travel in Taiwan due to regional differences. That is, the most appropriate standard to distinguish the markets of Chinese tourists to Taiwan is the places they inhabit. Although the restaurants have their respective strategies, because of extremely different customs, tourists from Mainland China are so noisy that they cause the crowding-out effect to customers from Taiwan and other countries. Actually, with an eye to overall management, the restaurants rely on tourists form Mainland China to a certain extent. The restaurants feel uncertain because the political issues keep interfering and the tourism policies are unsteady. According to the recent observation from the restaurants, as the tourists from Mainland China are younger and younger and more open-minded, their attitude toward traveling is getting changing.