摘要: | 本論文旨在探討人格特質對國小學童社群網站的使用行為與人際關係現況之關係,並探究背景變項(在學成績、家中排行、上網時間、父母對使用電腦網路支持程度)對社群網站的使用行為、人際關係之差異。研究之進行乃透過自編之「國小高年級學童人格特質對社群網站使用行為與人際關係問卷」為測量工具,並針對臺中市龍井區國小六年級學童之有效問卷進行調查,再以敘述性統計分析(Descriptive Statistics)、因素分析(Factor Analysis)、信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)、線性結構方程分析(Structural Equation Model Analysis, SEM)、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA)、集群分析(Cluster Analysis)等統計方法分析資料,並且歸納解析研究成果。最後,本研究發現,人格特質影響真實人際關係是高於網路人際關係,社群網站使用行為影響網路人際關係是高於真實人際關係,無論是社群網站低度使用群、中度使用群、高度使用群,其在真實人際關係、網路人際關係都具有顯著性的差異。 This study aims to investigate how the behavior of using social networking site impacts on the personal characteristics and interpersonal relationships for elementary students. By exploring the background variables (academic performance, the home ranking, internet time, whether parents support the use of the internet network extent), this research intends to find how the behavior of using social networking site affects students’ interpersonal relationship. And the sixth grade students in Longjing area are picked as the measurement samples and given questionnaires, whereas valid questionnaires are used for descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, structural equation model analysis, (SEM), independent sample t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and cluster analysis and other statistical methods to analyze data, and summarized the analytical research. It is found that personal characteristics of real relationships is higher than the network relationship , the social networking sites usage behavior of the network relationship is higher than that of real relationships. Social networking sites low use group, the moderate use group, the high use group, in the real relationships, network relationships have significant differences. |