摘要: | 本文試圖由教師實踐觀點對霸凌議題進行反思。旨在探討國中教師面對學生霸凌事件時的處理邏輯與策略;國中教師在生活世界中處理霸凌事件時所遇到的困境,以及國中教師面對政府系統反霸凌策略所產生的因應模式。主要研究參與者為8位國中教師,採質性研究取向,立意取樣之後以半結構的深入訪談方式獲得資料,並輔以相關文件進行分析。 研究結果發現,生活世界中所產生的霸凌問題,最好能夠在生活世界中解決,生活世界中解決霸凌問題的媒介與手段,乃是人與人之間的善意、友愛與互為主體性的溝通。在教育現場中的生活世界主體是「學生」與「老師」,就讓老師發揮愛心與熱情,以「溫柔」的力量來化掉「暴力」,由此可知,「老師與學生」才是解決霸凌的主角。此時,系統的力量(輔導人員、社工師、心理諮商師、法令規章等)應作為生活世界背後的支援系統,在彼此相互信任的立基點上成為教師與學生的後盾,而非系統自己變成主角,君臨天下且強勢的作為,終將造成生活世界扭曲的回應! 研究者基於研究結果提出下列幾點建議:教師應充實專業,打破「理所當然」與「偏見」的框架;團結力量大,教師、家長與政府之間應相互合作,成為有力的「金三角」;零體罰應有相關配套措施,並非無限上綱;國中校園應成立多元社團;孩子、家長與教師均應充實相關法律知識,各盡其責,而非責任推諉;系統政策應融入生活世界,在互為主體的前提下進行溝通。 The thesis attempts to reflect upon the bully agenda from the vantage point of junior high school teachers. It aims to deal with the areas ranging from their logic of practice and strategies in the midst of on-campus bullying to the quagmire they encounter in the lifeworld to their reactions responsive to the governmental anti-bullying deployment. It is conducted by interviewing eight junior high school teachers for gaining semi-structural ,qualitative data along with relevant documents for analyses. The findings of this research suggest that bullying incidents be solved within lifeworld, the means and/or media in or of themselves for settling conflicts. And the means and/or media hinge largely upon interpersonal bona fides alongside inter-subjectivity of each other. To be more precise, it is students and teachers who are the major roles in educational scenarios. Only when teachers’ love and passion and tenderness are vis-à-vis students’ problems can the violence of bullying be alarmingly liquidated. Meanwhile, instead of accommodating dictatorially overbearing mien, the system (counseling personnel, social workers, psychology counselors, decrees, stipulations, and the like), on the other hand, should act as a back-up bolsters for lifeworld in case its policies backfire when tweaked responses from lifeworld occur! The implications of this research are wrapped up as follows: (1) as in breaking the mode of “taking it or granted” and of being prejudicial, teachers should upgrade their professional expertise; (2) teachers, parents and governments should go hand in hand with one another to forge a powerful “golden triangle” to battle on-campus bullying; (3) rather than knowing no bounds, the zero-tolerance of corporal punishment should be complemented by other relevant measures of assistance to restore educational normalcy; (4) armed with law-related information, students, parents and teachers should take on their own responsibilities, not lending themselves to playing the finger-pointing game; and (5) the system should be merged into lifeworld to seek mutual communication and interactions on the premise of inter-subjectivity. |