筆者因美甲藝術課程的教學所需,了解到美甲藝術課程在美容相關科系的課程當中佔有了一席之地,也因礙於與此相關的專業研究領域有限,因此撰寫一篇以高職生指甲彩繪技法運用之分析的論文。對於美甲的專業技術在教學領域方面,學生是否真正能從彩繪課程中,將所學的技法利用不同材質及顏料,變化不同的技法能力,以利於學生就業的需求,並進而使之能夠獨立地創作相關領域之工作,有其積極而實用之效果。筆者希望透過此研究方式能提供高職相關課程的安排與撰寫參考,依此,高職之課程安排更能貼切學生學習,激發學生學習動機。 The subject of my paper concerns printing on fingernails and researches how artist applies his skill to nails. My subjective intention is that I am an artist of printing on nails and therefore can understand the course of printing on nail to be important for the courses of beauty. My paper has a contribution for courses of beauty because such research is very rare. I would like to analyze the problem weather students can in my courses apply the skills to it works and therefore justify that my courses are really suitable for their jobs and can say that they can work independently. Because of my research I have right to say that the design of my courses has it base universally for the course in beauty and can help the high vocational school in Taiwan to design the courses of beauty. The high vocational school can have therefore a better programming for the courses in which students may have a higher motivation for learning and they feel that the courses are what they need.