本論文旨在探討鄒族中年級學童繪畫成長及對本身文化之認知。在此研究中,參照Viktor Lowenfeld在《創造與心智的成長》一書中所提及之黨群時期(gang age stage)兒童繪畫發展理論,評析鄒族學童繪畫作品。為了解鄒族學童的繪畫發展成長及對自身文化的認知情形,運用質性研究的方式,透過作品蒐集及訪談,統計鄒族學童繪畫之鄒族符號圖式,並記錄學童敘述之文化意涵。 研究結果如下:1. 鄒族學童的繪畫發展符合黨群時期的繪畫發展特徵;2. 學童對鄒族文化認知情形受到家庭經驗、社區活動參與度、學校教學與宗教信仰等因素影響,其認知之內容展現在兒童繪畫作品中。 In my study I would like to examine the growth of the pictures of children in the primary school of Zou Zu and the cognitive about their culture. My research refers to the theory of development of chirdren picture in gang age stage which is mentioned in the book 《Creative and Mental Growth》 of Viktor Lowenfeld, and analyze their picture works. Qualitative research is a good method to understand the growth of their picture and the cognition of their culture. In order to such purpose I make interview of them, collect their works, count symbolic schemata in their pictures,and record the content of culture which the pupils talk in the interview. The findings are: 1. the development of their pictures correlated to the features which are showed in the book of Viktor Lowenfeld; 2. their cognition of culture is showed in their works and effected by the experience of family, by the actions of community in which they participate, the education and the belief of their religion.