在全球暖化及環境的變遷下,台灣的土地、生態受到極大影響,土石流、地層下陷是所有台灣人不可磨滅的記憶。本論文以「台灣土地情」為主題,旨在以油畫創作探討「自然生態」及「土地關懷」,藉以展現台灣自然生態之美及筆者對台灣土地的特殊情感。筆者採行動研究法、品質思考法再加以學理的佐證。在本論文中,筆者利用超現實繪畫中記敍性進行油畫創作,研究構圖的形式,利用到大量的線條來塑形及圖像式的平塗技法來逐漸形成自己的風格。研究成果如下:一、探討藝術的意涵,深入探討相關的美學理論及超現實繪畫理論;二、探索藝術創作的形式與內涵,透過作品深入探討環境變遷下的台灣現況;三、熟練油畫技巧,於研究中開啟個人的風格;並藉由創作出的作品,能感動觀者。 Because of global warming and environmental change the land and ecology of Taiwan have a significant affect. Landslides and land subsidence are the unforgotten memories of Taiwanese. The feelings on the land of Taiwan are the main theme on my paper in which I would like to discuss the problem of ecology of nature and the concern of land in order to show the beautiful of the ecology of nature in Taiwan and the special feelings of the land of Taiwan. The methology can be divided in 3: 1. the method of action, 2. of quality, 3. Justification by theories of arts. In this study I try to create my personal style of art by lines to shape the pictures and by the techniques of flat coating. The results in my paper are followings: 1. to research the meaning of arts by the understanding of the theories of arts, specially by the theory of surrealism; 2. To study the forms and the meaning of creation of arts, and to understand the states of Taiwan at present by the study on my works, 3. to make my technique of arts skilled, and to enlighten the personal style in the study and to make the audiences to have sense on my works.