本研究旨在探討3D電腦圖形軟體對於國小學童在數學空間幾何補救教學上,對參與補救教學學生其學習態度與學習成效之影響。本研究主要採取行動研究的方式,研究的對象是中部某國小六年級學生7位。研究方法是以蒐集之觀察資料、訪談資料、學習單及配合教學法來施行本次的研究與教學。從研究結果中發現,3D電腦圖形軟體在進行表面積補救教學上,不僅提升學生的學習動機與態度也增進了其學習的成效。 This study aimed to explore the 3D computer graphics software for elementary school students in remedial mathematics teaching space geometry, remedial instruction for students in their learning attitudes and learning effects. It adopts the approach of action research. seven sixth grade students were invited to participate in this study. The data collections include ollecting the classroom observations, interviews, learning sheets, and with four pedagogys to practice this research. The results found, 3D computer graphics software during the surface area of remedial teaching, not only enhance students' learning motivation and attitudes, but also improves the effects of their learning.