垃圾費隨袋徵收始於先進國家對環保的落實,使得原有的掩埋及焚燒的政策有了很大的轉變,各國政府也體認到唯有垃圾減量和資源回收才是永續經營之道。因此本研究從分析國外的垃圾費隨袋徵收的政策開始,介紹國外現行垃圾收費的制度,接著闡述國內環保相關法源的制定和垃圾費隨袋徵收政策的演進,主要目的是希望透過文獻分析法能夠完整的說明垃圾費隨袋徵收的由來。 利用深入訪談法,和土城市長以及環保隊隊長進行面對面深入的訪談,了解土城市在執行此政策時所遭遇的困難,以及如何解決垃圾費隨袋徵收所衍生的問題,待釐清問題後輔以SWOT分析法,得出土城市所施行的垃圾費隨袋徵收政策,是否能有效降低垃圾量,並解決其政策所衍生的問題。最後,本研究期望提供其他尚未落實垃圾費隨袋徵收的縣市地區作為參考依據,期許能達到本研究之目的。 "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" began in advanced countries as a measure of environmental protection, and had made great change on the existing landfill and incineration policies. Governments have realized that only waste reduction and resource recovery is the sustainable way of management. Therefore, this study begins by analysing "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" policies of foreign countries, introducing their existing systems of waste management, and then explains the legislation of domestic source of law and the development of the "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" policy. The main purpose is to comprehensively illustrate the origin of "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" through Citation Checking. In-depth face to face interviews were conducted with the mayor and the waste collection team leader of Tucheng City to understand the encountered resistance of the policy implementation in Tucheng city, and how to address the derived problems of "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee". Once the problems are clarified, analyse with SWOT methodology to further understand if the "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" policy implemented by Tucheng City can effectively reduce waste and address the derived problems of the policie. Finally, this study is expected to provide references for other cities and counties where "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee" is not yet implemented, hopefully the purpose of this study could be achived.