在多元文化快速發展的現代,表演藝術可呈現出文化生態的縮影,也成為觀察當代文化的新指標,並可塑造新文化潮流的開端。在近幾年來,以總體規模而言,台灣的藝文生態逐漸由單一元素走向多元化,並擴展延伸到全方位;表演藝術有著兼容並蓄的特徵,而且漸漸受到社會的重視,台灣藝文生態的發展可以說是朝著具包容性、多樣性的發展前進。 但長久以來,南部藝文風氣尚未發展到相當程度,場地不足、票房不佳,民眾使用者付費的心態尚未養成;此外沒有足夠的場地排練,觀眾的熱情無法持續,堪稱南部表演團體最頭痛的問題之一。 南部整體表演藝術現況,可從在地表演團隊數量、劇場人才培育及觀眾參與等面向進行檢視。南部表演團隊培值與觀眾群的開發,在數量上仍有很大的成長空間。此外如何提升南部的文化水準與拉高藝文水平,亦是重要的課題。 本論文以個案研究的方式呈現,藉由深度訪談、文獻分析、次級資料蒐集,探討藝文生態的變革對「高雄市文化中心」在地方文化活動的推動方面有何影響?且進一步對高雄市文化中心主要活動策略導向為何。 Performing arts in a multicultural age doubtlessly shows an epitome of cultural tendency, and functions as a model for contemporary culture or an up-to-date fashion. In Taiwan, the ecology of performing arts currently changes from mono-element to multi-culture, and further grows to be omnibus that in some way shows its inclusive character and makes itself get people's notice. In a sense, it could be said that performing arts in Taiwan following liberal and diversified principles develop. However, such cultural participation in the south seems not well developed like the north part of Taiwan for the reason that there are no sufficient places and good box office receipts, and also lacks audiences' long-term passions and sense of user-pays that audiences and places are two particular problems for the groups of performing arts. An overall condition of current performing arts in the south could be seen from these dimensions: The numbers of local performing groups, theatre talents training, and audiences' participation, and it shows that either for performing groups' training or for audiences' part has many developed spaces. In this regard, how to promote the cultural development and participation in the south part of Taiwan is the pivotal concern. This study, based upon aforesaid concerns, accordingly aims to explore a case study-what influences to the promotion of Kaohsiung Cultural Center for local cultural activities after changes of literary arts ecology by ways of depth interview, citation analysis, and secondary sources gathering; then, to further examine what current strategies of KCC to main activities.