摘要: | 本研究目的在探討關子嶺地區宗教觀光認同、體驗及滿意度之研究,本研究訪問對象是到關子嶺地區宗教景點之遊客為對象,以抽樣的方式進行,共發出320份問卷,有效問卷306份。本研究問卷以描述性統計、因素分析、Pearson績差相關及迴歸分析進行統計分析。研究結果發現:1.在到訪遊客中,女性多於男性,年齡是以「31~40歲」居多數,職業以「軍公教」為多數,教育程度以「大學」為多數,已婚多於未婚,平均月收入以「40,001~50,000元」為多數,「無宗教信仰」的人為多數,居住地以「南部」為多數。2.遊客最主要目的以「觀光旅遊」為多數,到訪次數以「第4次(含)以上」為多數,交通工具以「自用車」為主,旅遊資訊獲得以「親友告知」為多數,停留時間以為「半天」為多數,過半的遊客會前往其他旅遊景點,個人花費以「500元(含)以下」最多。3.在認同方面以「我認為此次旅遊可以使遊客的心情放鬆」為最高。4.在體驗方面,「情感體驗」中的「此次旅遊讓我感到身心舒暢、心情愉快」為最高。5.滿意度方面,以「我對此次旅遊的環境氣氛感到滿意」為最高。6.不同的遊客屬性及旅遊特性對認同及體驗有顯著差異。7.宗教觀光認同對體驗有顯著相關。8.宗教觀光認同及體驗對滿意度均有顯著相關。根據分析結果,本研究不僅對日後有關單位在發展關子嶺地區宗教觀光之參考,亦可提供後續研究者進一步之研究方向。 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among identity, experience and satisfaction of religious tourism in Kuantzuling area. By means of convenience sampling, a total number of 306 valid samples was obtained by factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis. The results of the study reveal that: 1. In terms of the demographic attribute, the major tourists who visited the Kuantzuling area are young adults, married, females, middle class, high education, government employees, non-religious believes and from south Taiwan.2. In terms of the travel characteristics, the primary purpose for the tourists is go to sightseeing. The travel information were mainly from relatives and friends. Most of tourists visited the area by driving their personal automobiles. They were usually accompanied by the family, stayed less than half of the day and revisited the area more than four times. The average expenditure was below NT500 dollars. 3. For the tourist identity, most tourists think they can relax themselves during the trip. 4. As to tourist experience, the feeling that most tourists have are comfortable and glad. 5. For the tourist satisfaction, many tourists are satisfied with the atmosphere of environment. 6. There is a significant difference between demographic variables and tourist experience and identity. Similarly, the difference between travel characteristics and tourist experience and identity is significant as well. 7. The identity and experience appear positive correlation. 8. The correlation between the identity and experience and satisfaction is positive. Based on these findings, the study not only gives some suggestions to program managers, but also provide research orientation for future researchers. |