摘要: | 自產業革命以降,產業界的發展就十分仰賴政府政策的協助,而隨著網路時代的來臨與科技的進步,數位閱讀蔚為風潮,傳統出版產業遂面臨了前所未有的挑戰。鑒於台灣缺乏市場規模,為了因應數位時代來臨、有效落實協助數位內容產業的發展,臺灣行政院乃於2009年5月通過為期5年(2009~2013年)的〈數位內容產業發展旗艦計畫〉,期望在政府與產業的合作分工下,有效的發展臺灣的數字出版產業;與臺灣相較,中國大陸出版業主要是國營企業,因此政策的實施具有巨大影響力,中國政府陸續提出數位出版產業相關政策,除了於2006年印發「新聞出版業十一五發展規劃」、發布《國家數字複合出版系統工程》外,也將數位出版列為「國家十二五規劃」的重要項目。 他山之石可以攻錯,本研究以「治理理論」與「鑽石理論」為基礎,並以「文獻分析」、與「深度訪談」與「紮根理論」為研究方法,在經過紮根理論的歸納與整理後,推導、建構出「數位金字塔」模型;再以此對兩岸政府與數位出版產業的三大構面(數位出版、電子書載具、數位出版流通)進行分析,除歸納出兩岸數位出版產業發展所遭遇的問題外,並對兩岸政府現行之數位出版產業政策進行評估,最後整理出兩岸的數位出版產業未來面臨「成本」、「華文到全球市場」以及「數位閱讀習慣」三大挑戰,並分別從「改變思維模式」與「實際建設」的角度提出建議。 Look into the retrospect, the development of industry relies a lot on the help of the Government. In the wake of the advance of technology, digital-reading has become a trend, traditional publishing facing an unprecedented challenge. Despite lack of scale in Taiwan, in order to make up with digitimes and to help improve the development of digital content, Taiwan Executive Yuan agreed on a project, Digital Content Industry Development Flagship Plan, in May in 2009, which is a five-year plan from 2009 to 2013. Through the cooperation between Government and people, it is hoped that tangible benefits can be brought to Taiwan's digital-publishing industry. By 2013, Government hopes three goals can be attained as follow: expand the niche market of digital-publishing, uplift the global competition of digital-publishing, become a digital-reading example for Chinese consumers and create a digital-reading population of one million. By citation analysis and in-depth interviews, the research emphasizes on the interaction between digital-publishing and the government in three scopes: the digital content supplier, e-book reader and both hardware and software supplier for document converting, and digital platform. Via assessing the interaction between digital-publishing policy targets and policy implementation, the liability of the policy could be attributed, and information would be updated to improve the quality of policy. Besides, the result also serves as a guideline for resources distribution, reference on enacting other similar policy and information for the authorities concerned and people in general. |