7-11連鎖便利商店除了與超級市場、量販店、百貨公司等產業做出明顯的市場區隔外,其主要目的是希望為顧客提供一個品項齊全、物超所值、購物環境便利舒適以達成顧客需求的便利商店。本研究之目的在於探7-11連鎖便利商店消費情境(Consumption Situation)、價格知覺(Price Perception) 對顧客滿意度(Customer Satisfaction)與顧客忠誠度(Customer Loyalty)之關聯性研究,係採用問卷調查法,並以嘉義市7-11便利商店之消費者為研究對象,人員調查部分共發出380份 扣除無效問卷81份共回收299份有效問卷回收率78.68%。研究結果顯示:1. 7-11連鎖便利商店顧客的個人特徵(性別、年鈴、職業、教育程度、平均月收入)在對消費情境、價格知覺、顧客滿意度、顧客滿意度的感受程度上有顯著差異。2. 7-11連鎖便利商店顧客在消費情境、價格知覺對於顧客滿意度是呈現顯著影響。消費情境、價格知 對於顧客忠誠度顯著影響。顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度是呈現顯著影響。3. 顧客滿意度對於消費情境與顧客忠誠度之間的因果關係存在中介效果;顧客滿意度對 於價格知覺與顧客忠誠度之間的因果關係亦存在中介效果。 最後依據上述研究發現與結論,提出相關建議以提供7-11連鎖便利商店作為發展顧客忠誠度之參考。 The importance of 7-11 chain convenience stores increases rapidly in retail-sale industry. The market segment between the convenient store and other retail-stores such as hypermarket, supermarket and shopping centers is quite clear, at the same time the business purposes of 7-11 chain convenience stores are offering a convenient environment, sufficient goods and best buys to customers. Therefore the purposes of this study were to explore the relationships among the consumption situation, price perception, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; the questionnaire survey was the primary methodology to investigate their relationships and the customers of Chiayi city 7-11 chain convenience stores were the main participants: 380 copies were distributed and made. These were then sorted to eliminate those with partially completed answers or invalid. As a result, 81 copies were eliminated leaving 299 (78.68%) valid questionnaires. The detections of this study are shown as follows:1. Customer’s characters including different 7-11 chain convenience stores, average salary, and different locations have significant influences on consumption situation, price perception, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.2. Both of the consumption situation and price perception have significant influences on customer satisfaction, in addition both of these two variables have significant influences on customer loyalty. Therefore the higher level of customer satisfaction, the higher level of customer loyalty.3. The customer satisfaction mediates the casual relationship between the consumption situation and the customer loyalty and mediates the casual relationship between the price perception and the customer loyalty. Based on the aforesaid conclusions, some suggestions have been made for the 7-11 chain convenience stores in order to maintain the reputations and to develop the customer loyalty.