隨著台灣出生率的逐年降低,幼稚園的不斷增加,幼教競爭環境日趨激烈。而從幼教機構的角度來考量,多數業者多為教育專業背景,經營園所之重點只著重於本身之專業上,而忽略了幼兒家長的幼教需求,以致其不能做出有效的市場策略及經營決策。本文基於以上背景,建立起一套幼教決策支援系統,從而可以為幼稚園經營者提供決策依據。 幼教決策支援系統包含了使用者介面,資料庫與模式庫。筆者利用VBA來建立幼教決策支援系統,以EXCEL工作表作為資料庫,以EXCEL自帶的函數為模式庫,來對幼兒家長的幼教需求進行敘述性統計分析和變異數統計分析,從而使得幼稚園決策者更好的瞭解家長需求並有效滿足其需求。建立系統後,以雲林縣的幼稚園幼兒家長的調查問卷為基礎,對系統進行了測試,並修正。同時得出了雲林縣幼兒家長的幼教需求分析結果,有利於雲林縣幼稚園經營者作出有效決策。 While the gap between the decreasing birth rate and the increasing preschools widened, the competition among day care centers are becoming fierce. Because most managers of preschools do not have professional background in management. They tend to ignore parents’ needs and thus lead to ineffective marketing or policy decisions. Based on this situation, this study intends to build a decision support system for preschool managers as a basis for their policy-making. The decision support system includes three parts: the user interface, the model base and the data base. The system was built using VBA, utilizing EXCEL as data base, and the EXCEL calculation functions as the model base. Through descriptive analysis and ANOVA analysis, the system analyzed the parents' needs and examines whether their needs were met. After the system was built, it was tested using survey data collected from the parents of the preschoolers in Yunlin county and was revised accordingly. The results of this study and the system should be able to support preschool managers in Yunlin in their future decision-making by taking parents' needs into their consideration.