摘要: | 政府為減輕教育經費財務負擔,於民國88年制定「國立大學校院基金設置條例」,國立大學校院於往後年度學校之各項經費支出皆須由學校自行籌措部分經費。而在學校自行籌措經費有限之情形下,民間參與興建經營校舍設施之需求因應而生。而學生宿舍具高自償、高需求之特性便成為民間參與興建營運之一種投資選項。 然大學學生宿舍BOT在我國尚無成功之實例。其中,中正大學為我國校園宿舍BOT案之首例,即因得標公司昱成聯合科技有限公司轉投資失敗,宣告破產,導致該投資案目前處於停工狀態,並且已由貸款銀行進行了多年的協調及法律訴訟中。為此,本研究進行國立中正大學之學生宿合BOT營建模式個案研究,引用許多第一手的BOT案執行面的實況調查,並進行彙整研究,將此案的重要層面及關鍵問題點,做出一次詳細的探討。另外並採用一點賽局理論及價值管理觀念,來幫助我們釐清其失敗的主要原因,並作為日後改進的參考及探討出日後改進的方向。並藉此謀求公共事務及各個參與成員的最大利益。並就營建面、法令面、市場面與財務面的賽局關聯性,深入分析民間參公益目的與校園宿舍BOT營建案營建模式之可行性。 全文共分五章,第一章說明本研究之動機與目的、研究流程;及相關文獻回顧及用語定義;第二章檢討國立中正大學BOT學生宿舍為例;第三章以賽局理論檢討中正大學BOT模式執行機制分析;第四章我國公共建設採BOT營運模式執行機制之重新思考分析,得出第五章結論與建議。 To relieve the financial burden of education, the government made “Regulations on Administration of Funds for General Affairs of National Universities/Colleges” in 1999. Since then, Administration of Funds should be set by all national universities, and the schools in subsequent years expenditures are funded in part by schools themselves. However, in the condition of limited self-financing, private participation in the construction of education facilities management tarts growin. The maximum consideration for private funds is to create a reasonable profit and the student hostel with high self-liquidating, the characteristics of high demand will become the operations of private participation in the construction of an investment option. University dormitory BOT examples in our country there is no current successful record in the Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan. There are five BOT cases of university dormitory (by the end of May 2009), including National Chung Cheng University, National Cheng Kung University, National Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University and National Taitung University. In the case of Chung Cheng University, which is the first case of BOT campus dormitory, it’s currently in suspension due to the winning company of United Technologies Co. Ltd. Yu reinvestment into failure, bankruptcy. The remaining five universities in addition to Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, Taitung and Ocean University which is in the nearly completed stage. It’ll be preceded in case study to review the BOT case of the student accommondation of Chung Cheng University by game theory and value management. It can touch more realistic aspect by game theory to realize and handle the public affairs operation and to seek maxmun profit for every participant by this way. Moreover, to analyse the possibilities of Private Participation in association with the public purpose of construction campus dormitory BOT model construction feasibility of the case from the construction, law, market and financial aspects. |