本研究旨在探討解說志工的認真休閒特質與工作滿意度間之關係,並釐清家庭支持於認真休閒特質與工作滿意度間的干擾關係。其意義在於探究解說志工參與解說服務的過程中,欲達到工作滿意時,家庭成員支持的重要性。使得解說志工的重要資源能永續運用於服務場所中。研究對象以嘉義及金門地區之救國團、國家公園、林務局、文化局、交通旅遊局等單位的解說志工進行問卷調查,共發放問卷688份,回收有效問卷525份,有效回收率達76.3%。經文獻回顧與分析、整理相關理論後,建立觀念性架構並運用SPSS及AMOS多群組結構方程模式進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)解說志工的認真休閒特質愈明顯者,其對工作滿意的程度也愈高;(2)家庭支持確實在認真休閒特質與工作滿意度間扮演著干擾的角色,也就是說當解說志工在高度家庭支持的情形下,其認真休閒特質對工作滿意度的正向關聯性比低家庭支持的解說志工高。實務上,本研究結果建議解說志工於其持續投入志工服務的同時,亦應努力提升其家庭成員的支持度,才能獲得更高層次的滿足感;進而延續解說志工之服務職涯,滿足自我實現之人生最高需求。 This research is to study the relationship between serious leisure traits and job satisfaction among volunteer interpreters, and is also trying to clarify the moderating effect that family support plays on the relationship between serous leisure traits and job satisfaction. It means to explain the importance of family support plays on achieving job satisfaction when volunteer interpreters are participating in interpretation services. And this kind of job satisfaction, in turn, will result in the retaining such a critical resource as volunteer interpreters to perform their services sustainably. A well-established questionnaire is distributed to volunteer interpreters working in China Youth Corps, national parks, Forestry Bureau, Department of Cultural Affairs, and Transportation and Tourism Bureau at Chiayi and Kinmen. A total of 525 valid questionnaires were collected out of 688 copies distributed, gives a return rate of 76.3%. Data were calculated and analyzed with SPSS and AMOS multi-group SEM. The results are: (1) the more significant their serous leisure traits, the higher the volunteer interpreters’ job satisfaction; and (2) family support does play an moderating effect on the relationship between serious leisure traits and job satisfaction. That is to say, when a volunteer interpreter gets positive supports from family, his or her serious leisure traits have higher positive impact on job satisfaction, compared to volunteer interpreters with lower family support. Practically, this result suggests that volunteer interpreters shall try to earn family support for them to get higher satisfaction when participating voluntary services; and such a satisfaction will further extend their service careers and help them to reach a higher level of self-actualization.