隨著社會進步,經濟成長,國人越來越重視休閒旅遊活動,即使當了爸爸媽媽也會有旅遊的需求。本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,旨在瞭解模式中各潛在變項對孩子在嬰兒期家長參與旅遊行為的影響程度,本研究共得有效回收問卷為397份,並將題項區分為:託人照顧嬰兒期的孩子而自己去旅行及帶著嬰兒期的孩子一起去旅行二模式,所得資料使用結構方程式來驗證各構面之間的關係,結果顯示研究所建構之「孩子在嬰兒期,家長託人照顧孩子而自己去旅遊模式」整體適配度良好,模式中「態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」對行為意圖均為顯著的正向影響,「行為意圖」對實際行為亦有顯著的正向影響,而「知覺行為控制」不會影響實際行為;而所建構之「孩子在嬰兒期,家長帶著孩子一起旅遊模式」整體適配度良好,且個別構面之相關情形與計畫行為理論模式相符合。 With the the progress of society and the growth of economy, people increasingly emphase on leisure and tourism activities. They desire travel even as parents.Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, the influence of varieties of potential variables on the behaiver of parents who participat in travel as their babies are infants will be investigated in this study. There were 397 valid questionnaires received. The items of questionnaires are divided two models:(1)Parents ask someone to take care of their infants while they travel with themselves.(2)Parent and their infants travel together. Structure equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the relations among the cognition, attitude, and behavioral intention. The conclusion of this study are shown that the model that parents ask someone to take care of their infants while they travel with themselves developed to be a good fit for the data. The attitudesubjective norms、perceived behavioral control in the model are significant positively related to behavioral intention that is also significant positively related to actual behavior that is not influenced by perceived behavioral control. The model that parent and their infants travel together developed to be a good fit for the data and the relations between each dimensions are corresponding with the model of Theory of Planned Behavior