本研究以2005至2009年臺灣壽險公司為對象,採用資料包絡分析法,探討我國壽險業的經營效率,主要目的為分析臺灣地區人壽保險公司之經營效率與壽險公司的生產力變動,並依技術效率與生產力變動將臺灣壽險公司依其發展類型加以分類,以提供業者後續轉型、決策之參考。 研究結果顯示臺灣壽險業之平均技術效率稍嫌偏低,大部分壽險公司需再加強改善效率;在生產力方面,大部分壽險公司的生產力均呈持續成長,少部分壽險公司則略呈衰退。平均各壽險公司生產力於2008-2009年間成長10.4 %,生產力變動的主要來源為技術進步;而在效率變動方面,則略呈衰退;故若欲促進生產力持續成長,除需繼續加強技術改善外,亦宜加強效率的改善。最後,依技術效率與生產力變動,可將各壽險公司發展區分為高成長與高效率的類型、高成長與低效率的類型、低成長與高效率的類型、低成長與低效率等四大類型。其中高成長與高效率類型最具競爭力,而低成長與低效率類型之競爭力相對最弱。 This study utilized the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach to analyze the operating efficiency of the life insurance companies in Taiwan. The major objective of this thesis is to estimate the technical efficiency and productivity change of different development types of the life insurance company. The result of this study can provide a basis to policy makers for further restructuring the life insurance company in the future. Results of the study show that the average technical efficiency is till very low, reflecting most life insurance companies need to improve their operating efficiency in the future. In term of the productivity, most life insurance companies are with substantial productivity growth. Life insurance companies in Taiwan have an average of 10.4% productivity growth during 2008 to 2009. The growth of productivity comes mainly from the technical change, while the efficiency change slows down some what. Therefore, in order to achieve a continuous productivity growth, other than technical improvement, firms should put more efforts on improving the efficiency. According to the estimated technical efficiency and productivity change, this study categorizes the life insurance companies into high growth- high efficiency, high growth-low efficiency, low growth-high efficiency, and low growth-low efficiency 4 types. Among these, with high growth-high efficiency companies have the highest competitiveness, while low growth-low efficiency companies are the least competitive.