〈劉蕺山的疾病書寫與醫學思想〉 對於劉蕺山的宋明理學學術地位,在現代學界上幾乎是不言而喻的。 「不為良相,便為良醫」也是傳統儒者的某方面信念。元代張子和有名的醫書直接標 名──《儒門事親》便可見一番。 本研究在探討宋明理學大家劉蕺山的醫學思想。三折肱而成良醫,因此第一部分先 探討劉蕺山的病史與他如何看待他的病。在劉汋的劉蕺山《年譜》或姚名達的《劉宗周 年譜》都可以很明顯的看到,劉蕺山幾乎一生都常常生病,而且是重病。這些病常常影 響他讀書或為官。於此,我們可以從劉蕺山對於疾病的敘述,得到蕺山的病觀(如何觀 病──在生病時,如何面對病),這部份還沒有牽涉到如何治病上。 接著,我們要來看劉蕺山的醫學思想。這主要表現在治病的治則上。 蕺山的治則就是「治病先治心」,醫藥居於次要位階。這和現代人有病先吃藥的觀 點頗相違逆,和晚近流行的自然醫學卻有其強烈的一致性。於此也可看出蕺山醫學思想 的時代性。 On the Disease Writings and Medical Thought of Liu Ji-Shan This project follows my doctoral dissertation “Moral Practice and Historicity: Discuss of the Research about Liu Ji-Shan” .I want to develop the research of Liu Ji-Shan. First, I show that history of disease about Liu Ji-Shan ,and how he viewed his illness.From "Liu Zong-zhou Chronicle " of Yao Ming-Da(姚名達),We can obviously know that Liu Ji-Shan were often sick almost his entire life and very seriously . These diseases often affected his study or official. I want to study how he face his disease. Then, we want to look at Liu Ji-Shan’s medical thought. This was reflected in the rules of medical treatment . Ji-Shan's rule is that psychological treatment before medical treatment. There is the strong consistency with natural medicine that is popular recently.