本計畫作為筆者近年研究郭店楚墓儒家簡的下一進程,乃以「禮」的哲學思 想為問題意識,試圖探討「禮之本」在孔孟荀哲學、《禮記》與當代出土文獻中 之意涵,並由此建立先秦儒學之形成與發展之歷史面貌,易言之,「禮」的哲學 思想不僅是儒家「禮學」之重要脈絡,亦是儒學之所以為儒學的核心理論架構。 故依研究現況而言,本計畫之工作除了整合先秦儒學文獻於禮之哲學性之研究目 的外,而且就還原〈大學〉與〈中庸〉於《禮記》之哲學脈絡的過程,亦上溯至 孔子之前文獻,如《尚書》與《左傳》之禮論,為先秦儒學之發生有所省察。在 研究議題方面,除了傳統的倫理實踐與道德規範外,本計畫認為天道觀與形而上 思想亦是「禮」之哲學值得探索的領域,即經由「禮」的實踐,是否可以實現超 越性意涵,其在先秦儒學中,是否有此理論可能性。因此,本計畫之研究成果即 設定在先秦儒學與禮學之哲學史之擘畫,冀望由此多年期計畫開啟筆者下一時程 之研究計畫。 The problematic introspection of the project is ritual philosophy which establishing the Pre-Qin Confucianism historical features, and study the essence of rites, ritual philosophy of Confucius, Mencius and Xun-Zi, confucianism of Book of Rites, ritual theory of newly excavated manuscripts. In others words, the philosophy of rites is the origin and development context of Pre-Qin Confucianism. According to the research date, my project integrates Pre-Qin Confucianism texts by the theory of rites, and illustrates the meaning of the Great Learning the Doctrine of Golden Mean based on the connotation of Book of Rites. Further, I define the ritual description in Shang-shu(尚書)and Zuo-zhuan(左傳)for the genesis of Pre-Qin Confucianism. About the study issue, besides ethics and moral philosophy, heaven philosophy(天道觀) and metaphysical thinking are also ritual thought which could be theoretical possibility to transcendence of Confucianism. Therefore, the achivement of my three-year project expects to finish the Pre-Qin history of Confucian rites.