過去十餘年來,全球的社企潮流風起雲湧,面對這個正在發展中的新主張,不同的國家積極建構合乎其社會文化的社會企業理念型。在台灣,由於社會企業尚屬一新名詞,大家的定義分歧,未有共識。從樂觀的角度來看,這波熱潮代表對於資本市場發展的反省以及公民的參與力量;然而,在缺乏共同語彙但又同時多元發展的情況下,也有可能形成認同、認知、正當性以及實踐上的質疑。本文旨在提供一個目前台灣社企發展的風貌,透過本文整體社企生態的描述,以及一些關鍵甚至有爭議性的概念探討分析,加以論述,期許促成更多學術界的對話交流。研究者採取一種全面性的角度,社企活動的觀察包含廣泛的光譜範圍,不管其發展是源於NPO轉型、社區自助、或是由社會議題導向利基市場開發,並描述相關的促成角色與媒介。其次,本文針對關鍵概念上的差異,借鏡近年來公平貿易運動陣營的分歧,意圖分析兩大社企發展傾向的前提及異同,因為概念的認知以及文化上的準備,牽動著整體公益環境的未來發展。接續,則提供台灣社企在管理營運上的幾個共同挑戰。研究者認為,與其限縮社會企業為一特定運作形式,不如說社會企業是社會創業精神(Social Entrepreneurship)以及協同促成眾效(collective impact) 的具體實踐,是組織內的一種精神與態度(Ethos)。最後,本文歸納台灣社企發展特色,以及未來可見的實務及研究發展趨勢。
With a vibrant NPO sector and a private sector populated by SMEs, social entrepreneurship is at its embryonic stage in Taiwan. Despite there has not been a designated legal structure established specifically for social enterprise, and the term social enterprise remains broad subject to various interpretations, a wide spectrum of initiatives have nevertheless been undertaken in recent years. This paper provides a macro perspective to understand the landscape of social enterprises in Taiwan. The study surveys the existing social enterprise initiatives, analyze the driving forces and major players, and provide some notable examples. Asides from the descriptive, conceptual arguments related to the extent of social economy approach vs ethical market approach will be presented. Moreover, the study summarizes some operational issues that could be critical for the development of social enterprises, regardless of their types. The paper concludes by reflecting upon what might have been the premise for the well-being of a social enterprise sector in Taiwan, and envisage future development in the coming years.