食物密碼:以文化符碼解析觀光客之美食體驗 台灣豐富的飲食樣貌反映移民社會和多元族群的特性,不僅是吸引國外觀光客 來台旅遊的主要因素,也是促使觀光客認識台灣文化的重要資源。然而,文化 是一種不可言喻的思想體系,究竟觀光客從台灣的飲食中瞭解了多少台灣文 化?又體認了多深的台灣文化意涵?本研究因此運用符號學(semiotic)試圖解 析觀光客從台灣的美食體驗中所接收到的文化符碼,並從其中瞭解台灣美食在 觀光客心中真正的意義與價值。本研究依循Chandler(2007)所提出的文本、社 會與詮釋三種符碼進行語義網絡分析(semantic network analysis)與內容分析 (content analysis),且透過三階段之資料收集交叉比對,以提升質性研究之 信效度。第一階段採網絡民族誌,以觀光局推廣的46種菜餚為關鍵字,篩選Yahoo 與Google中、英、日文三種版本中與國外觀光客台灣飲食體驗與意象相關的網 誌文章,初步探索觀光客的飲食體驗與意象;第二階段則以立意抽樣法徵求觀 光客進行北中南各三場之焦點團體會談,以驗證第一階段之研究;第三階段則 顧及符碼傳遞的發送(sender)與接收(receiver)兩端,瞭解台灣民眾與觀光客 間可能產生的歧異解讀(aberrant decoding),進一步解析台灣飲食推廣上可能 面臨的阻礙與問題。最後,本研究擬利用分解出的文化元素建議飲食觀光的文 化行銷策略方針,提供政府與業者參考。 Food Code: Using cultural codes to explore the tourist’s experience of Taiwanese food Multi-ethnic food culture not only encourages foreign people to visit Taiwan, but also claims to be a significant interpretation of Taiwanese culture. On condition that the tourists do learn the knowledge of Taiwanese culture from Taiwanese snacks, an issue regarding the true cultural meaning they receive is raised that worth pondered over since culture itself, abstract as it is, takes reasonable concepts to decipher. Accordingly, the present study starts from the theories of semiotic, intending to gain a deeper understanding of the role Taiwanese snack plays in the process of cultural translation. Based on the Textual, Social and Interpretive Code suggested by Chandler (2007), this research utilizes both semantic network analysis and content analysis, with the sender and receiver of the codes taken into consideration. Due to the subtle and personal nature of experience and image, this study consists of three-stages. In the first stage, by using the keywords of 46 snacks which are promoting by Tourism Bureau, the relevant blog articles are selected for analysis through the search engines of yahoo and Google. For a better evaluation of the cultural codes the tourists receive from Taiwanese food as well as the possible aberrant decoding engendered during the sending and receiving process, the articles selected and employed are from multilingual websites in Chinese, English and Japanese. In the second and third stage, this study uses the focus-group interview to verify and examine the analytic results of 1st stage research. In the end of the research, the marketing strategy of food culture will be suggested.