背包客探索好奇心之概念化與量表發展 近期,眾多學者都已將從事非形式化旅遊類型的遊客稱作為背包客。 追求新奇和多樣化的體驗是背包客選擇活動和旅遊目的地時,最重要的動 機因素。而好奇心則常被認為是促進人類探索行為的一個重要的內在動 機。背包旅行行為的本質和好奇心間存在著一些共同的特點,因為二者都 會影響背包客的探索行為。然而,至目前為止,尚未存在可用以衡量背包 客探索好奇心的量表。因此,本研究嘗試發展一個可信且有效的背包客探 索好奇心量表,以了解背包客探索好奇心的本質與該如何運用背包客探索 好奇心於旅遊目的地之選擇決策中。 Conceptualization and Measurement of Backpackers’ Exploratory Curiosity Recently, researchers called the type of non-institutionalized travel as backpacker. The few empirical studies that sought insights into tourists’ motives, consistently reported novelty seeking and various experience as a key motive in the pleasure travel destination choice process. Curiosity had been regarded as a key intrinsic motivational drive for facilitating human exploratory behaviors in many domains, such as psychology, education, and sport. However, no attempt had been made to measure backpackers’ exploratory curiosity in a tourism context. As discussed previously, backpacking travel behavior and curiosity share common characteristics because both influenced backpackers’ exploratory behaviors. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to define the construct of backpackers’ exploratory curiosity in the context of tourism, to conceptualize its role in the destination choice process, and to develop an instrument to measure backpackers’ exploratory curiosity.