近年來,社會變遷與電子資訊快速流通,消費者對產品的需求變化很大,選購產品 的偏好複雜而難以掌握,使產品設計的趨勢為強調滿足不同的顧客需求。因此,設計師 在產品開發過程中,需結合電腦資料庫的應用,以便快速產生產品外形構想,同時能更 貼近消費者的多元需求與偏好。感性工學係經由解析人類的感性,有效結合商品化技術 於商品特性中。基本上,感性工學以工學的手法,將人的各種感性定量化,再找出感性 量與工學所使用的各種物理量間之高元函數關係,作為工程發展時的基礎。基於感性工 學與工程設計間之鏈結與協調,尚在磨合時期,本研究計畫將以三年分三個階段進行兩 者間之整合發展,各年之重心分別為(1) 感性語意差異的顧客需求設計分析,(2) 理性 圖像衍生的模式發展,(3) 整合感性與理性之系統分析於產品造形之呈現。第一年為運 用心理圖析量表、因素分析、聯合分析與品質機能展開等方法於感性語意差異及對應之 產品造形特徵間之鏈結模式建構。第二年為結合仿生設計資料庫與碎形理論,探討發展 產品造形之圖像呈現。第三年則為鏈結顧客需求與產品造形呈現對應模式之發展,以建 構整合性產品造形產生之系統模式。預期本研究所建立之整合感性工學與產品造形衍生 系統,將可降低使用者需求與設計師認知之差異,並鏈結使用者的需求與產品形態要 素,以提升設計工作之效率與品質。 In recent years, social changes and rapid development of electronic information technology has made consumers become variable in product requirements. Product design needs to satisfy different types of consumers. As such, the designer must use computer database in the generation of product forms and at the same time meet consumer requirements and preferences. Kansei engineering can effectively analyze the human emotion and reflect it on product characteristics. In general, Kansei Engineering helps designers to quantify a variety of emotions and link with engineering aspects of design. However, the linkage between emotion and rationality in product design is still very weak and needs further exploration. The proposed research project will use three years of development stages to integrate properties of emotion and rationality into the generation of product forms. They are (1) Kansei semantic differential customer requirements analysis, (2) rational graphic images generation and representation and (3) development of an integrated product form generation and representation model for the linkage between emotion of consumer requirements and rationality of engineering design. Note that Kansei semantic differential approach, factor analysis, conjoint analysis and quality function deployment will be used in a sequential connection for the first stage. The concepts of synectics design and fractal theory will be applied in the second stage to help generate product forms. As to the third stage, a systematic integration of product form generation is employed to link qualitative customer requirements with quantitative product characteristics. It is expected that the development of the proposed approach will reduce the differential cognition between consumers and designers and link customer requirements with product form elements to help improve efficiency of design activity and quality.