本研究使用3 x 3三因子混合實驗設計,探討資訊架構、任務複雜度對使用智慧手機之瀏覽表現及操作滿意度的影響。資訊架構呈現方式分為:淺廣、中庸、深窄三種類型;任務複雜度分為:簡單、中等、困難三種不同難度之任務。本研究發現:
Smart phones have become an integrated content delivery platform for communications. Given the small display interfaces, how to navigate to access information in an efficient way is critical. The study investigated the task complexity, information structure of the smart phones and their interaction effects on usability and navigation performance.
The research findings provide research and practical implications. First, using medium (vs. shallow-wide and deep-narrow) information structure yielded faster task response time, at the expense of higher perceived disorientation and task load, however. Second, while there was no difference between medium and deep-narrow structures in terms of the number of taps for both middle and complex tasks, the corresponding response times differed dramatically. These findings suggest the existence of implicit cognitive processing that is more intrinsically structure related. Finally, task complexity moderates the effect of information structure on navigation performance.
The results indicated that increasing the levels of information structure can make complex tasks even more difficult to execute.