摘要: | 透過網路,一切實體世界的活動已慢慢轉移延伸到無垠無界的網路虛擬世界。使得 一切變得不再有距離,取而代之的是更多的未知與風險。由於網際網路具跨時空、隱密、 及匿名等特性,使人易脫於現實法律及道德的規範,造成網路亂象與網路活動風險不斷 的提高,例如網路詐欺與金融犯罪等。為解決網路虛擬世界裡層出不窮的安全議題,若 能夠利用一個人在網路上虛擬角色的活動紀錄進行社交運算(social computing),建構一 個兼具質與量的網路活動評估模式。例如,藉由網友相互的評價、虛擬社群發言、部落 格的經營、及網路個人形象的營造來進行評估。藉此,使用者不論進行電子交易、網路 交友或社群資訊分享等活動時,安全資訊能夠透過社交服務雲端技術隨處隨時可得,以 提升網路虛擬活動的安全性,降低網路犯罪及風險。因此,本計畫將提出虛擬網路活動 安全的整體解決方案,發展一以多層式的社會網路(multi-layer social network)為基之社交 運算服務的機制,並輔以網路社交服務商務模式的設計,提供網路使用者安全社交服 務。為達上述目標,本研究主要的研究工作有:(1)研究領域與問題分析;(2)研究資料 與需求收集;(3)信任服務雲總架構設計;(4)影響網路活動品質因素研究;(5)多層式社 會網路模型發展;(6)社交網路信任與聲譽評估機制發展;(7)跨群組社交網路服務雲核 心機制與方法設計;(8)網路使用者社交網路機制發展;(9)網路使用者品質評估機制發 展;(10)社會網路服務商務模式設計;(11)系統開發與上線測試;及(12)應用、績效評估 與改善、與技轉。 Through the Internet, almost all of real social activities, such as friending and shopping, are transferred by degrees into and performed in virtual network worlds. Consequently, more and more unknown, unexpected events, and network risks occur from online social activities that have replaced distances between people has become a major issue. Due to the characteristics of the Internet such as unlimited time and space for online activities, privacy, and anonymity, the chaos and risks associated with the internet have resulted in network fraud and financial crimes. To solve these security issues, this study collects social activities from the Internet and constructs a social computing method that concerns quantifiable and qualitative data that evaluates the trust and reputation of network activities as virtual roles. When the evaluated information about trust and reputation to online virtual roles becomes readily available, the security of online social activities will be enhanced and will reduce network crimes and risks. This study will propose a total solution for virtual network activities including a multi-layer social network-based social computing service mechanism and a business model to offer secure services for network users. To achieve the objectives, this study will include: (1) studying issues related to this research topic, (2) collecting the data and requirements related to virtual network activities, (3) analyzing the feasibility for use of trust service clouds to solve security issues, (4) designing the architecture of the trust service cloud mechanism, (5) designing the multi-layer social network model, (6) developing the group intra-social interaction trust and reputation evaluation method, (7) developing the group extra-social interaction trust and reputation method, (8) developing a social network service mechanism for network users, (9) developing a user’s network activity quality evaluation method, (10) designing a network-based social service business model, (11) implementing and testing the constructed platform, and (12) managing and improving the performance of the platform and business model. |