生與死,一直以來都是生命存有的問題。本文所敘說的生命故事,從阿公住院連結起對阿嬤的回憶,最後,回轉面對阿公的喪禮。全文分成四個部分:前兩個部分說明敘說故事的原因,以及故事所擁有的力量。第三個部分則是由阿公的生與死,來思考家族關係;透過阿嬤的死與生,來思考自我的問題,其間自然涉及喪禮與葬禮的問題與功能。第四個部分為總結自己對生死的理解、回憶與自我的關係,進而說明敘說生命故事對自我的意義,可以讓逝去的親人以另一種形式存在於我的生命之中,也讓自己重新理解自我的生命意義。 The life story narrated in this article is focusing on Grandpa’s funeral. This article can be divided into four parts: the first and second parts explain why I was telling the story of my own, as well as depicting the power derived from the story; in the third part I reflected on the physician-patient relationship due to Grandpa’s passing away; also, I was pondering over the issue of ego through the life and death story of Grandma and introspecting on both the issue of life and death and the function of funeral ceremonies after participating in the funeral; the fourth part is based on the narrative method by which to understand the relationships among life and death, memory and ego.