一種文學體制新類型的提出,必然涉及作品數量成熟,及相應理論重構等問題,「現代禪詩」的提出亦如是。本文嘗試運用「中介嵌結法」, 試圖釐清現代禪詩論域該有何面貌,並指出現代禪詩終須走向美學的必要性。其次,本文以洛夫為例加以論述,原因在於﹕一者洛夫正式標舉出其若干創作屬於禪詩;二者,他有正式說明其禪詩理念的文章;三者,他的創作獲得詩評家的呼應。根據三個理由,考察其何謂禪詩的說明,將有助於釐清什麼是「現代禪詩」的可能面貌。最後指出建立現代禪詩可能的幾種路徑,作為期待現代禪詩新類型出現的契機。 A new literature style to study,must have been many words and just like literature theoty to expensive,“ Modern meditation Poetry”be reschted must attention to those concepts.This study of Rove’s poems is to use the mothod of intermediate connections to show the meaning and performance with various aspects,and find the way into the Aesthetics.Trough my discouise to find the new meaning to study“ Modern meditation Poetry”.