郊祀是古時帝王祭天的常祀,象徵著帝王統治權力的合法性,因此歷來備受重視。而郊祀之有歌則始於漢武帝的「郊祀歌十九章」。自此以後歷代郊祀多有郊祀歌的製作。郊祀洵為一朝大典,郊祀歌亦多出自名家手筆,但除漢郊祀歌較受學者留意外,其餘各朝郊祀歌均未受青睞成了聊備一格可有可無的文獻。事實上,從郊祀歌的內容可以見出歷朝祭天主神及祭祀規格的演變,從郊祀歌的形式亦可見詩歌體製的變化,不宜只視為歌德頌德之作而已。由於歷朝郊祀歌數量夥多,且唐朝開元禮的制定對後世影響不下於漢武帝的制禮作樂,是以本文且以唐前為斷,討論由漢到隋郊祀歌體製的演變,大體而言,漢武帝郊祀歌對後世的影響主要是在三言詩體製的運用及部份用語的因襲,整體上仍是偏向《詩經》雅頌風格,這亦可以見儒家禮制的堅實影響。 Jiao si is often worship ancient emperors heaven, symbolizing the power of the legitimacy of imperial rule, and therefore has always been taken seriously. And Jiao-sI of there songs began in the Han Dynasty's "Nineteen Suburban Sacrifice Songs."Since then many have ages Jiao si song production. Jiao-si ceremony for once, it resembles Suburban Sacrifice Songs from famous people, but in addition to more popular songs Jiao si Han scholars note, the rest of the songs were not favored towards jiao si became a bare-bones dispensable literature. In fact, from the content Jiao si songs can see the evolution of dynasties and worship the Lord God of Heaven specifications, from the song can also be found in the form of Jiao si poetry regime change. Due to the number of gang song dynasty Jiao si and more, and the development of the Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan ceremony impact on future generations no less than Emperor's ritual music, based on this paper and the front is off to Don to discuss the evolution of the song from the Han to Sui Jiao Si system, in general and words, the impact on the later Emperor jiao si songs mainly in the use of three Poems regime inherited and some terms, on the whole is still biased "Book of Songs"Hymns style, which can also see a strong influence of Confucian ritual.