本研究以溫泉產業為研究主題,主要分析四重溪溫泉旅館及民宿與溫泉區旅遊環境之滿意度,並透過簡易問卷分析及田野調查,探討該地區之現況。研究結果除供相關開發單位參考外,亦希冀四重溪溫泉業者進一步瞭解顧客感受。綜合問卷分析與實地探訪,四重溪溫泉區旅館及民宿如雨後春筍般林立且不斷推陳出新,而研究將研究問卷分為兩大部分一為溫泉旅館及民宿滿意度,二為四重溪溫泉區滿意度,並根據PZB服務品質管理模式及台灣溫泉旅館評估模式等服務品質量表,設計出本研究問卷,成功的訪問了50位消費者,以敘述性統計分析消費者基本資料,並以人口統計變數運用t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法,檢測與驗證假設。如何建立其特有吸引力,係為當今各經營者首要之務。本研究發現有高達61%的遊客願意再次前往四重溪旅遊及渡假,顯示出遊客對於該地區之服務品質亦感到滿意。而溫泉水品質、泡湯流程解說、大眾交通便利性等部份為遊客最注重之項目。本研究依據研究發現討論其管理涵意,並給予溫泉業者管理上之建議與學術界未來研究方向建議。 This Study aims to investigate the perceived customer satisfaction towards the travel environment of the Su-Chung-Hsi hot spring area and the B&B industry through a questionnaire survey and field research. The analysis of current business operations are presented, moreover, research results are provided for local operation and community to maintain sustainability and local culture. This research conceptualizes the questionnaire into two dimensions-customer satisfaction towards hotels and B&Bs, and satisfaction towards entire hot spring area. The SERVQUAL(PZB) Model type scale are applied, and 50 tourists are successfully interviewed through t-test and single factor variance to validate the hypothesis. The Finding indicates that unique attractiveness of a destination will be the first priority for local community and operators. The results also show that 61% of tourists are willing to revisit the destination indicating tourists are satisfied with the provided services. Furthermore, spring water quality, induction process, and access convenience are the major variables that received most attentions. Imputations for academics and management are illustrated.