對於如何運用企業的形象吸引並保留顧客是一項重要的行銷議題,本研究針對消費者心理特徵進行分析,另以企業形象為中介變數,探討顧客對企業忠誠度的影響。本研究主要的研究對象為持有中華電信、台灣大哥大或遠傳電信門號的消費顧客,經過相關的文獻探討,做為問卷設計及提出八大假設的根據,並於資料蒐集後,透過結構方程模式及 Sobel test等統計分析加以驗證,影響顧客滿意度與忠誠度之外因變項。希望經由本研究的發現,行動通訊業者可以藉由本研究的實證結果去發展行銷策略以及讓顧客在態度及行為方面產生更多的忠誠度。 It is an important marketing topic how to use company image to attract and retain existing customers. This study use consumer psychological characteristics as the antecedent and corporate image as mediator to explore the influence of customer loyalty. Referencing the relevant literature, we use Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan mobile and far Eastone Telecommunications as the samplings to design questionnaire and eight assumptions. After collecting the sampling data, we verified direct effects and the mediation model through structural equation modeling analyses and Sobel tests. Structural equation modeling yields insights into the influence of the dimensions on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The result can provide valuable reference information for mobile service providers to develop their marketing strategies and enhance customer attitudinal and behavioral loyalty.