早在中國的化妝史上流行無數假髮造形,當時沒有所謂的黃金比例準則,卻也能創造出風靡千古的吸引力。披戴假髮能夠創造千變萬化的造形,改變人的五官整體印象,本研究採用語意差異法,透過產品外觀感性,以問卷調查法、訪談法、因素分析法、T檢定、ANOVA等獲取代表性假髮樣本,對女性消費者調查關於假髮意象語彙轉為數量化。 本研究結果顯示:1. 探討女性消費者對假髮造形與意象感知的偏好,掌握族群流行趨勢。2. 探討假髮造形元素與意象之對應關係。 本研究對假髮造形意象語彙關係探討,提供美髮造型師系統化的假髮資訊,作為顧客導向與產品差異化的髮型設計依據。 In our Chinese history of cosmetics, various styles of wigs were popular. At that time, there was no such thing as the golden proportion guideline;however, wigs still held appleal for people of all ages. In the present time, there are few papers discussing wigs im our country.Wearing wigs enables people to create different outer images, which also changes othera’impression of a person’s appearance.In order to understand how wearing wigs changes the image a person shows to others,the study mainly adopts the method of pragmatic analysis Through the external looks of products, we get representative sample wigs by the use of questionnaires, in terviews, factor analysis, T test and ANOVA. The main purposes of this study are as follows:1. To study female consumers’concepts and preferences for different styles of wigs so as to know the latest fashion trend.2. To discuss the co-relation between the styles of wigs and their external images. The main provide stylists with systematic infor mation abowt wigs,which con also be the basis of hair design for clients and product variatons.Key words:Method of semantic differential,Emale comsumers,Style of wigs,Image language