歐盟依據1986年簽署之「單一歐洲法」,以建立內部無疆界之單一市場,並促進區域內貨品、人員、勞務及資本之自由流通,通稱「歐盟四大自由流通」。然而人員自由流通,卻是原各國政府間協議之「申根公約」 (Schengen Agreement)於1997年「阿姆斯特丹條約」納入歐盟架構後,才正式實行人員自由流通。目前歐盟會員國不斷增加,人員自由流通的政策也越顯其重要與影響性。 本文就以歐盟整合過程及內部市場的發展為起點,以歐盟人員自由流通政策與發展作探討,最後分析「申根公約」實行對於歐盟內部人員自由流通之影響與評估其未來發展。 The Single European Act was signed by EU members in 1986 in order to complete the internal market. As to the cornerstones of the single market, there are often said to be the four freedoms –the free movement of people, goods, services and capital. However, the Schengen Agreement which promotes the free movement of people was not incorporated into the EU legal framework until the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty. It"s very clear that the implementation of Schengen Agreement will be more important with the enlargement of EU. This article begins with the integration of EU and its internal market, then explores the policy of the free movement of people and its development. Finally, it will analyse the influence of Schengen Agreement on the free movement of people and evaluate its future.