中國自2001年底加入WTO以來,因勞力成本低廉,大量傾銷鞋靴類、紡織類與汽車零件到歐洲各國,其中,2004-2006年中國鞋靴大量進口到歐盟國內,打壓如義大利、葡萄牙及西班牙等國之8,000中小型鞋廠,勞工失業引發一連串的經濟、社會效應,造成當時轟動的新聞事件,以義大利為首的南方集團帶領西班牙、法國、葡萄牙堅決向歐盟執委會提出反傾銷調查,並與德國、英國、荷蘭、瑞典、丹麥等北方集團互相角力引發抗議事件,2006年4月17日南北兩集團互相對峙,由歐盟執委會暫時以臨時懲罰性反傾銷稅結束此僵局,而在2006年10月7日由法國提出對中國徵收為期兩年16.5%反傾銷稅作為協商結果,且於2009年底決定對中國徵收延長15個月的反傾銷稅;最後,於2011年歐盟執委會宣布從3月31日起,正式停止對中國生產的皮鞋徵收反傾銷稅。本論文主要探討歐盟對中國的反傾銷政策、歐盟共同貿易政策、歐盟內部利益團體影響歐盟國際談判之情形以及反傾銷糾紛對歐盟的影響。 A large number of Chinese footwear imported to the EU in 2004-2006, Suppressed the 8,000 shoes factory in Italy, Portugal and Spain. Unemployment initiates a series of economic and social effects, even caused a sensation at the News.South Group, led by Italian firmly presented anti-dumping investigations to ask the European Commission to deal with the situation. At the same time, South Group and Northern Group confronted with each other resulted in protest events. After that, the European Commission use temporary punitive anti-dumping duties to terminate this stalemate. Finally, France proposed to impose anti-dumping duty of 16.5% toward to China for two years. After that, European Commission announced stop to impose anti-dumping duties toward to leather shoes that made in China on March 31. Therefore, according to this famous case, this thesis will be stressed on the EU’s anti-dumping policy to China、opinions of interest groups influence the EU international negotiations and what is the impact of anti-dumping disputes to the EU.