一直以來,巴爾幹地區都是造成歐洲不穩與動亂的源頭,尤其是前南斯拉夫聯邦內部獨立運動。雖然1974年的憲法賦予各共和國與自治省平等的地位,但身為多數的的塞裔民族對這樣的方式非常不滿,並與其他的兩個族群(斯洛維尼亞人與克羅埃西亞人)也因權力問題產生摩擦。其中,特別是因塞族人大肆宣傳大塞爾維亞主義,以致埋下了族群衝突與聯邦解體的導火線。本文擬由族群衝突之面向來探討克羅埃西亞、波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納獨立之事件,首先說明,南斯拉夫聯邦解體的原因與過程,在狄托時期的各共黨政權的統治至各共和國(克羅埃西亞、波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納)相繼獨立為止;其次,解釋克羅埃西亞何以與鄰國塞爾維亞因族群衝突爆發內戰及其獨立;最後分析,克羅埃西亞、波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納之獨立對於巴爾幹地區、歐盟以及族群衝突研究所將產生之影響。 The Balkans has always been, the source of instability and conflict in Europe, especially in the former Yugoslavia independence. Although the 1974 Constitution of the Republic granted and the autonomous provinces of equal status, most of the Serbs are still not satisfied with such condition, as a result, having been engaged in conflict with the other two ethnics-Slovenians & Croatians. The most notably is the Serbs emphasized "Greater Serbia Doctrine" that laid the fuse of the ethnic conflict and the disintegration of Federal State. This paper will investigate the incident from different level. First, the reasons for the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the process, during Tito's rule of the communist regime to the Republic (Croatia, Bosnia --Herzegovina) have been independent; Second, because of ethnic conflicts with neighboring Serbia, civil war and the War of Independence; Third, the independence of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina for the Balkans, ethnic conflicts of the European Union or what kind of impact.