本研究主要探討基督教長老教會所發起的社區發展協會,是如何去引領一群擁有不同信仰的社區居民,並與之結合,在謀合的過程中,教會以及社區的相互認同將會有何轉變。然而教會在推行社區發展的時候,教會門戶大開讓社區居民進入,並在教會空間進行社區活動等相關事宜,在不斷對外開放的情況下是否對於基督教的主體性會有所影響。主要研究目的為:(一)探討教會不斷的對外開放,對於基督教的本位主義之影響與變化;(二)暸解由教會主導推行社區發展的過程中,教友與社區民眾之意識認同的轉變與建構。本研究認為教會要與不同信仰的社區做結合時,稍微放棄對其宗教本位主義的堅持可能是必要的,不過就在解除自身本位主義的同時,其實也正在對著該宗教的根本基礎進行破壞。為了在行動與結構之間取得合理的解釋,筆者試圖藉由Giddens的結構化理論來引導出一個比較完善的理論觀點-「建構式認同」,是以行動者反身性監控作為出發點,並與結構導向密不可分的論證方式。透過這種論證方式來瞭解行動者在日常生活中的自我行動決策,並試著說明行動者對於地方或群體的認同感。 This research is discuss how Presbyterian Church’s community association lead different belief resident in same community. And we try to find out the transition of their mutual approval after the process of stratagem gathers. While the church is developing its community association, it lets residents come into the church and hold up many activites. Will it effects the christian’s independent. The main argument of this research which is focus on how the community association of the Presbyterian Church lead the residents of this community who are having different believing, and how the whole process of communicating, compromising leading their transformation- both side. We found out while Christian people trying to break into this community for the interests, at the main while it is a big challenge and test for their self- believes. Base on the theory of Structuration we argue the identity of structure is more emphasis in decisions and strategy of people’s daily life which is close to the idea of our case study.