本文試圖從七個段落闡述牟宗三先生與康德哲學的摩盪:(1) 前言;(2) 本於他的《五十自述》表述他從「先驗辯證論」解讀康德哲學的進路;(3) 依他的《認識心之批判》闡釋他早年僅專注康德知性邏輯性格之失誤;(4) 從他《認識心之批判》之〈重印誌言〉,表述牟先生自認早期對康德知性存有論性格之不解;(5) 從《現象與物自身》指出牟先生透過黑格爾式的辯證「自我坎陷」,並藉佛教之「識心之執」展開康德之「知性的存有論性格」;(6) 綜述牟先生從「德行底優先性」,以「無執的存有論」為主軸消化康德的批判哲學;(7) 指出牟先生哲學一些未決的問題。 This paper attempts to sketch in seven sections Mou Zongsan’s philosophical development in terms of his unusual ways of engaging Kant’s philosophy: (1) preliminary remarks, (2) his approaching Kant’s first Critique from the Transcendental Dialectic, (3) his approaching Kant’s Understanding only from its logical character in his early philosophical development, (4) his later recognition of the ontological character of Kant’s Understanding, (5) his establishing Kant’s ontological character of the Understanding with the Hegelian-like concept of “self-negation” and the Buddhist concept of “attachment of the consciousness,” (6) his assimilation of Kant’s critical philosophy by establishing the “ontology of non-attachment” with the affirmation of human intellectual intuition, and (7) some remaining issues in Mou’s own critical philosophy.