本研究旨在探討國小教師使用網際網路上的虛擬社群網站,對其工作壓力、情緒勞務負荷,與情緒耗竭的影響情況,進而瞭解與提供教師因應與調適此負面情緒的方法;研究採用問卷調查方式,並以PLS 分析虛擬社群在國小教師情緒勞務負荷、工作壓力、以及情緒耗竭的中介效用;研究結果顯示,教師會因為情緒上的勞務負擔過重,而影響其對虛擬社群的使用,此現象說明教師需要一個情緒的舒發管道,以避免其心理情緒產生耗竭而影響教學,研究結果俾利於應用在教師的情緒管理與教師的專業發展。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of using virtual community on the work stress, emotional labor load, and emotional exhaustion for elementary school teachers. Teachers’ negative emotional load affects the teaching performance and a solution to relieve the stress is discussed in this study. There were 334 acceptable questionnaires to be collected and the acceptance rate was 83.5%. PLS is used to examine the relationshios among variables. The results show that the work stress is bothering school teachers, moreover, there is a significant correlation between the usage of virtual community and the negative labor load. The usage of virtual community provides a way to relieve the work stress. To execute 1-12 grades curriculum plan, school administrator is suggested to provide an approach to alleviate teachers stress and enhance the teaching outcomes.