歐洲整合無疑是目前區域整合的表率,世界上其他地區的區域整合程度皆無法達到歐洲整合的深化與廣化,而亞洲地區也不例外。自中國大陸經濟崛起後,成為東亞地區經濟整合的重大變數,任何經濟的整合進程若無中國大陸參與,將會變得徒勞無功。是以中共當局及學術界對於區域整合的態度便異常重要,前者在決策過程中,多參考及重視後者所提出的建言。本文藉由分析中國大陸官方及學界對於歐洲區域整合的態度,並將分析層面著重在權力認知上,以便釐清目前中共當局對於區域整合的政策以及未來亞洲區域整合的走向。 There is no doubt that the European integration is now the premier example of the regional integration, and other regional integrations cannot reach the same extent as European integration, including the integration of Asian. After the rise of Mainland China’s economy, Mainland China has become a major variable of economic integration in East Asia, and the process of economic integration that Mainland China did not participate would become futile. Therefore the P.R.C government’s and scholars’ attitude of regional integration is very important: the former consults and values the latter’s suggestion. The article attempt to clarify the current regional integration policy of P.R.C government and the future trend of Asian regional integration through analysis of P.R.C. government’s and academia’s attitude of European integration on the power perspective.