911事件後歐盟開始省思對恐怖主義的應對態度與方式。如今反恐已成為歐盟共同外交及安全政策要務之一,內部安全領域也建置龐大的反恐機制。然而恐怖主義性質在改變並可能與其它全球安全議題掛勾,以及美國進行全球反恐戰爭的強硬主張,向來強調柔性強權特質的歐盟陷入兩難。後冷戰的安全議題具多面向而複雜,歐盟必須打破柱石框架,使共同外交及安全政策與反恐的大框架整合。此過程適可反映出歐洲安全思維的轉變,而共同外交及安全政策下的反恐安排建置之成果與缺失,也突顯出歐盟建立外交及安全之「共同政策」仍需努力之事實。 After setting up a wide range of actors and institutions forming the counter-terrorism policy, which largely falls within the realm of the European Union’s Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters pillar, the Union continues its efforts to expand its counter-terrorism actions to the sphere of its Common Foreign and Security Policy (known as CFSP). The process of integrating counter-terrorism elements to CFSP can reflect the changing thoughts concerning European security behind the construction of CFSP. The counter-terrorism arrangements under CFSP framework can also reveal some truth – partially if not fully- about why it is so difficult for CFSP to become a real EU “common policy” in external affairs.