摘要: | 本論文旨在探討「表演藝術實作教學對學生文化創意啟發影響之研究」,經由綜合文獻探討並採用質性研究中的參與觀察、深度訪談、文件分析等方式蒐集資料,以三角校正分析作深入的反思,用以瞭解高中音樂教師進行實作教學之歷程發展。選定以音樂劇為主題,進行為期十七週的實作教學課程:從表演藝術產業觀點引導學生創作戲劇、舞蹈、音樂結合之表演藝術作品,並從邀請卡、海報宣傳行銷事務以及票卷、節目單樣式設計製作,延伸至周邊商品銷售概念的產出。藉此欲探究高二學生在表演藝術實作教學之歷程,對其文化創意思考啟發與總體表現的影響。 本論文獲得下列具體結論:一、表演藝術實作教學能符應高中藝術生活科表演藝術類之課程綱要。二、表演藝術實作教學能提升學生對表演藝術的學習興趣。三、表演藝術實作教學能啟發學生對文化創意的思考與表現。 依據研究之結果,提出以音樂劇運用在高中藝術生活科表演藝術類之教學實作模式,以作為啟發學生文化創意表現之影響的重要參考依據。研究者針對教師教學實務層面以及學生課外延伸學習方面,亦提出具體建議,作為未來在高中實施表演藝術實作教學相關研究之參考。 This study mainly aimed at the inspiration and influence of performing arts practical teaching on cultural creativity of students. Qualitative research design was adopted in this study in which the researcher described, analyzed the data collected from multiple sources. Basically speaking, literature review, classroom observation, subjects' joining, interviews, and the gathering of the data from different resources were the main methodological tools. By means of Triangulation, the researcher hoped to conduct a thorough review of the process of practical teaching in senior high school. In this study, the researcher implemented 17-week practical teaching, which narrowed the focus to performing arts musicals. From the viewpoint of cultural industry, the researcher guided the subjects to create their performing works which combined drama, dance with music. In addition, the researcher led the subjects up to make invitation cards, poster promotions, performing tickets, the design of the performing sheets and even the relevant merchandise. Longing for exploring if the process of practical teaching in performing arts enabled to bring the inspiration and influence to the second grade students in the senior high school was the primary goal of the study. As a result, the concrete conclusions are as follows. First, performing arts practical teaching conforms to the disciplines of the curriculum in Senior High School Arts and Life. Second, performing arts practical teaching is extremely capable of promoting the subjects' learning interests. Third, performing arts practical teaching is apt to inspire the subjects with cheering thought and wonderful performances in cultural creativity. According to the results of the study, implementing musicals in Senior High School Arts and Life Curriculum is highly recommended because it can be the important reference to inspire subjects' performances in cultural creativity. And the researcher advances a number of helpful and constructive suggestions to teachers' practical teaching and students' outside extension learning as well with an eye to providing the further and relevant research in Performing Arts Practical Teaching in senior high school performing class. |