摘要: | 本研究旨在編製一份更具時代性與代表性之「國中學生全人生命意義量表」,係以Carl Ransom Rogers、Erikson、Viktor E. Frankl、Rollo May 及 Irvin D. Yalom 五位學者及東方思考的佛道信仰與青少年(國中)的發展特徵,做為編製量表之理論依據,並經與其他測量工具之比較探討後建立理論架構。正式量表包含「生命目標」、「生命價值」、「生命自由」、「自我概念」、「宗教支持」、「死亡接受」以及「靈性提升」七個向度,形式Likert五點量表,全量表共56題。施測採分層叢集取樣方式,分別抽取台灣北(台北市、桃園縣、宜蘭縣)、中(台中市、彰化縣、雲林縣)、南(高雄市、高雄縣、屏東縣)、東(台東縣、花蓮縣、金門縣)四個地區學校,總計1102份樣本進行分析,並制定百分等級常模。 本研究結果顯示,自編量表信度Cronbachα係數為0.801(各分量表α係數分別為.720、.753、.775、.797、.847、.847及.833),隔二週再測信度為0.966,具有良好的穩定性及一致性;經由典型相關分析結果發現本量表和宋秋蓉(1992)所編製的「生命意義量表」間的相似度為0.69,屬於中高度相關。另有關模式適配度之評鑑,以結構方程模式的統計技術來加以驗證,檢驗結果依據四個適配度判定指標,在七個層面中,除「生命自由」層面模型適配度需再調整外,其餘六個層面之判定指標均符合標準。綜合判定,本研究量表在驗證適配度的考驗上,屬達到中等以上的適配程度。 由整體分析資料可見,本研究編製之「國中學生全人生命意義量表」為一具有良好信、效度標準之量表,適合用於國中生生命意義感之評量。 The scale is based on the viewpoints and theories related to the life meaning of Rogers, Erikson, Viktor, Frankl, May and Yalom. The mtain purpose of the research is to set up a“Holistic Meaning of life Scale(HMLS) for junior high school students of Taiwan”,including seven dimensions --life goal, life value, life freedom, self-concept, religion support, death acceptance, ascension and 56 items. The scale is implemented by stratified cluster sampling. The 1102 testees are drawn from northern part, central part, southern part and eastern part of Taiwan. The whole scale internal consistency reliability Cronbach’s α coefficient is 0.801 and the test-retest reliability is 0.966 which is an evidence of stability and consistency. Furthermore, through Canonical Correlation Analysis, it reveals that the similarity 0.69 between the scale and Purpose of life scale set up by Song Qiu-Rong in 1992. In terms of the evaluation of the mode of goodness of fit, the result shows that only the life freedom part needed further adjusting, whereas the rest six dimensions were correspond to the condition. Therefore, this scale reaches the medium level of the mode of goodness of fit. Based on the above-mentioned analysis, the Holistic Meaning of life Scale (HMLS) is a suitable scale for junior high school students of Taiwan with stable reliability and validity. |