近幾年來,台灣地區的服務業正快速成長,不僅產值超越製造業,受雇員工總數亦領先製造業,成為國內最大的產業。全球競爭時代來臨,銷售服務人員如何維持良好的工作績效增是我們必須要探討的議題。本研究目的探討六大行業銷售服務人員,在人格特質、顧客導向、顧客關係管理、知識管理與工作績效之模型建構與分析,利用結構方程模式探討各變數間之關係,找出最適配模式並提出建議給銷售服務人員在服務上有更明確的策略與參考依據。以保險業務、房屋仲介、汽車銷售、直銷、門市銷售、百貨專櫃為調查對象,共發出420份問卷調查,有效問卷為312份,回收率為74%。 本研究結果發現:銷售服務人員在顧客導向對工作績效沒有顯著影響;顧客導向對知識管理有顯著正向影響;知識管理對顧客關係管理、工作積效有顯著正向影響;顧客關係管理對工作績效有顯著負向影響;內外控人格對工作績效有顯著正向影響;知識管理在顧客導向與工作績效中,存在完全中介的影響。由此可知,銷售服務人員重要的不只是重視顧客,是與顧客維持良好的關係並滿足顧客的需求;銷售服務人員應強化知識管理的運用,將有利於在銷售服務工作上;最後,主管應隨著不同類型的人格特質採取不同的管理方式。 Service industry has been growing fast recently in Taiwan. The total output value and number of employees of service industry exceed manufacturing industry and becomes the biggest industry. In addition, confronting with the global competition, how sales maintain good job performance is an important subject to discuss. The purpose of this study is to investigate model construction and analysis of personality traits, customer orientation, customer relationship management, knowledge management and job performance of six types of salespersons. Using structural equation model to explain relationships among variables to find the optimal allocation model as strategy references for salespersons in service. Data were collected from salespersons who work in insurance sales, direct sales, retail sales, department stores counter, and real estate. 420 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 312 copies were received and the effective response rate is 74%. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Customer orientation has no significant effect on job performance. (2) Customer orientation has a significant positive effect on knowledge management. (3) Knowledge management has a significant positive effect on customer relationship management and job performance.(4) Customer relationship management has a significant negative effect on job performance. (5) Personality traits have a significant positive effect on job performance. (6)Knowledge management has a full meditating effect between customer orientation and job performance. From this study, we know that salespersons should not only value customers but also maintain good relationship with customers. Salespersons should use knowledge management which helps in sales . Finally, managers should take different approaches to manage people with different types of personality traits.