本研究主要探討雙邊生產線平衡問題。生產線平衡一直是國內外學者的研究重點,在單邊生產線的研究上已經取得相當大的成果,但是有關雙邊生產線平衡的研究卻較少,而加入同步規劃與剛好及時生產系統同時探討的研究更少之又少。有鑑於此,本研究欲整合同步規劃與JIT生產系統,將同步生產的觀念帶到生產線佈置上,使工作站所產生的閒置率降至最低。然而,最小總閒置時間是生產線平衡問題的主要目標。因此,本研究將建構一個整數非線性規劃INLP(integer nonlinear programming)數學模式用來處理雙邊生產線平衡問題,並且利用Lingo套裝軟體的語法將上述模式具體化,且藉由軟題中內建的Global Solver 進行全域最佳解之搜尋運算,取得最佳解。本研究並嘗試將各工作站中可同步作業的單元進行同步化的考量,使製造者不至於低估其生產率、高估空間使用率以錯失獲利。另外,本研究透過軟體進行建模,廠商具有高度的重現性和符合實務上的應用,因此可為具有卓越眼光的決策者提供有價值之參考工具。 This study discusses two-sided assembly line balancing (TALB). A lot of researches focusing on the assembly line balancing have been well investigated and discussed, in addition, there are lacking studies to discuss the synchronous processes in TALB problems. However, the researches focusing on the balance of two-sided assembly line with the consideration of the synchronous processes and just in time philosophy have never been performed. So this study presents a hybrid with the considerations of concurrent engineering (CE) and just-in-time (JIT) philosophy to pursue the minimal idle rate. However, and main goal of assembly line balancing is the minimum total idle rate. Therefore, this study will to construct an Integer Nonlinear Programming (INLP) mathematical model to handle two-sided assembly line balancing problem in considering the synchronous processes. The model of this study is constructed by the syntax of Lingo 9.0 extended version, and its built-in solving method “Global Solver” is selected to search the global optimum solution. This study creates a highly repeated characteristic because of the application of Lingo 9.0. Based on the above-mentioned reason, this study can be considered as a valuable decision tool for a production planner with profound insights.